Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 Just a quick update for anyone that cares to read it. I'm going to be forced to finish the Bandwhore art at the end of 2024. Its not 100% refined, but this world is not ideal, so that makes it impossible to attain the highest standards. There simply is not enough time and resources. I did manage to put well over 5000 hours into it though, so it's probably more refined than 99% of the stuff other people are putting out.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The artwork for Bandwhore is still being detailed

After i made 40 album covers out of the main image, i reinserted them back into the image. Now I'm blending the edges of those covers back into the image to make it seamless. This pic here is a small area of the much larger art. As i stated before, this is taking me thousands of hours to complete. Once its finished, the only way for people to understand how big this is is for it to be printed big since its a digital painting.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Steady Progression.

 I'm still working on the new Bandwhore art 60+ hours per month after having worked on it for 3+ years.  We're talking about wrapping it up sometime this year, regardless of where its at. So there might be areas of the art that aren't 100% polished, but you wont ever see it that close up to tell. It'll just be yet another case of abandoned art, because all art is abandoned and never finished in this decaying world.


Friday, August 5, 2022

Quick update

Hell-0 again. 

I'll bet that a lot of people think that I don't make art as frequently as i used to.

Well, that could not be further from the truth. In fact I spend even MORE time making art. 

The thing is that most of my art has been requested and they aren't published yet.

So you'll just have to wait. 💀

That's all for now.

Friday, April 22, 2022

The Bandwhore project is still ongoing.

 I'd have to look to get the exact start date on this image. I know its been around 3 years now. Here's another very small area of the full size image which is around 20 ft. wide. I doubt anyone is bothering to make digital art this big. Most computers will crash if you try to edit an image this big. Even with a powerful workstation, i am having a serious amount of lag. What i did was isolate around 40 different sections that will be utilized as album covers to represents different aspects of the project. Once i get done with those i'll tie them back into the main image and then shore up any areas that don't mesh well. I even thought to isolate larger chunks once these smaller chunks are done, then mesh them back in. All to avoid lag so i can work efficiently. We will see how it turns out.

Here's a link to the bandwhore website so you can get an idea of what is going on and how many people are participating. There may be more people added. I'm not sure.


This project was never  intended to be pretentious. Jim Ross simply wants to jam with his favorite musicians and organize it all into one organized thing. And the art is intended to be massive like the project. That is all. Make of it what you will.  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

More Progress On The New Bandwhore Art

 Here are some more small detail areas of the same Bandwhore image that's still in progress after over 2700 hours. I'm on number 34 of 40 album covers that are being made out of this one image. Hopefully it will be finished sometime in 2022. I still have to tie the 40 covers back into the main image and then make sure everything is balanced before calling it finished.👻

Thursday, May 6, 2021

I'm still working on the new Bandwhore art.

 I don't want to show the whole image yet, which is around 20 ft. long. I've only been showing small areas here and there on social media pages as i go until it's finished. I'm about 2,000 hours into it so far, and have been adding around 80 hours more per month.